To Become a campaign sponsor or a donor Please Email our Campaign Coordinators and sponsorship COORDINATOR.
*Nathan Draaistra — Sponsorship Coordinator: draa0003@algonquinlive.com
You can choose to sponsor the whole campaign or an individual event. If you would like to support us through donations rather than sponsoring, we will gladly accept cash, materials and prizes for a silent auction.
Information Package
Platinum Campaign Partner - $5000
Four tickets to all events
Honourable mention on social media posts
Logo featured on the website
Logo feature that will appear at all events
Opportunity to place signage at all events
Mentions in all media outreach and relations for publicity
Opportunity to speak at an event of your choice
Gold Campaign Partner - $1500Two tickets to all events
Honourable mention on social media posts
Logo featured on the website
Logo feature that will appear at three events of choice
Opportunity to place signage at three events of choice
Mentions in all media outreach and relations for publicity
Silver Campaign Partner - $1000Two tickets to three events of choice
Honourable mention on social media posts
Logo feature on the website
Logo feature that will appear at one event of choice
Bronze Campaign Partner - $250-500
Two ticket to one event of choice
Honourable mention on social media posts and at one event
Sponsorship Proposal
- Opportunity to speak at the campaign launch and another event of your choice
EVENT Sponsor
Platinum Event Partner - $500
- Honourable mention at the event
- Honourable mention on social media posts related to the event
Gold Event Partner - $300
- Honourable mention at the event
- Honourable mention on social media posts related to the event
- Two tickets to the event
Silver Event Partner - $125
- Honourable mention at the event
- Honourable mention on social media posts related to the event
- Two tickets to the event
- Logo featured at the event
- Logo featured on the website
Bronze Event Partner - $50
- Honourable mention at the event
- Honourable mention on social media posts related to the event
- Logo featured on the website
- Two tickets to the event
Sponsorship Proposal
- Logo featured at the event
- Opportunity to speak at the event