‘Stike a Chord’ Artists’ Alley

Date: Wednesday, April 2, 2025,  6:00  to 10:00 p.m.

Where: Avant-Garde Bar & Gift Shop, 135 Besserer St., Ottawa.

Cost: $15 for early bird 14th - 21st, $20 at the door.

Join the Strike a Chord Artists’ Alley to support the Algonquin College public relations students’ Hope on the Horizon campaign benefiting Rideauwood Addiction and Family Services. We welcome you to a bohemian-inspired night of creativity and compassion as we bring together Ottawa's music and art scene. Attendees will enjoy incredible performances from local musicians and poets and browse unique art. Show off your talent in our open mic and capture memories at our photo booth. This event is a chance to express yourself while giving back to our community. Open mic sign-ups will be available at the event, don't miss your chance to take center stage!


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